tirsdag 22. september 2009


Har funnet ei nettside som heter Planet Restart. Her skisseres tre scenarier for endringer på kloden, avhengig av hastigheten på endringene i klimaet på kloden. Klipper noe derfra:

In the book Climatic Cataclysm, the authors present three scenarios:

Expected Climate Change Over the Next 30 Years: Average global temperature rises 1.3 C (2.3 F) as compared to 1990. Global mean sea level rises 0.23 meter (.75 foot). This is bad news for folks in low-lying coastal areas and anyone already experiencing water shortages or extreme weather events, both of which will worsen.

Severe Climate Change Over the Next 30 Years: Average global temperature rises 2.6 C (4.7 F) as compared to 1990. Global mean sea level rises 0.52 meter (1.7 feet). This is really bad news for just about everyone. Melting ice sheets guarantee enormous rises I sea levels over the next few centuries. Water shortages will affect about 2 billion people. Agriculture and fisheries are adversely affected. The developing nations are the most severely affected, but even the developed world feels the strain of diverting resources to deal with the problems.

Catastrophic Climate Change Over The Next 100 Years: Average global temperature rises 5.6 C (10.1 F) as compared to 1990. Global mean sea level rises 2 meters (6.6 feet). This is really ugly. Many low-lying areas are uninhabitable. The Gulf Stream has collapsed. Weather extremes prevail. Agriculture is severely compromised by reduced The southwestern United States, much of South America, Central America and northern Mexico are no longer livable.

Mer om disse scenariene finner du her. Ikke veldig lystelig lesning, men likevel: En slags avansert gjettelek. Men i kveld snakker Obama om at menneskeheten må gjøre noe drastisk for å stoppe global oppvarming. Enda er det meste bare prat. Men det er da i det minste noe.

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